
Professional House Cleaning Services, Inc - Win Free House Cleaning!

By Shawn Day, PHCS President July 29, 2014
We have SIX REASONS you should visit our website today:

1. Chance to Win 3 FREE House Cleanings - FULL Detail cleanings! Click here!

2. Free Video - Why you are crazy to have a cleaning person vs. a cleaning company

3. We have hundreds of video and article tips for all kinds of decorating, cleaning, homemade products, moms, family, professional work attire and much more.

4. All Macaroni Kid Cleveland East readers will receive $100 off your first cleaning if scheduled before August 3. (No need for cleaning service done by Aug 3, only scheduled by Aug 3.)

5. We have all kinds of references, and VIDEO TESTIMONIALS PRAISING our service.

6. Book a Cleaning in 60 Seconds online at our awesome new website. YES, 60 SECONDS!
  • Put in your contact information
  • Enter type of service you want

We are the Cleaning Company You’ve Always Wanted!