Whether you have school-aged children or not, there are many ways you can show your support for education and our local schools. Here are 5 simple ways to help your neighborhood schools:
1. Collect Box Tops. Found on a variety of grocery products, these labels are each worth $0.10 and can add up quickly! Not sure where to send them? Use the Box Tops for Education School Locator to find a site near you. Also check with the schools to see what local label collections or receipt programs may be available.
2. Scan your receipts into Shoparoo. Earn points for the school of your choice by uploading your receipts (from any store, for any amount!). 500 Roo Points = $1 cash donation. Find out more here.
3. Pay off student lunch debt. Contact your local school district to inquire about helping to pay off student lunch debt for children in need.
4. Volunteer your time or services. Many schools host fundraising events that could use specialized skill sets. Perhaps your local school hosts an annual fundraiser. You could donate a handcrafted item or gift card to your small business. A quick phone call to the administrative office will let you know what help is needed most urgently.
5. Donate supplies. Tissues, cleaning supplies, pencils, glue, and gift cards (to department stores or office supply stores). Those are just a few things that every school needs. Drop off at the front desk at your convenience. Want to make a more personal donation? Make a quick phone call to the front office to find out what is highest on their supply priority list.