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NEO Sports Plant

April 26, 2018

The NEO Sports Plant Summer Sports Day Camp will run daily, June 4 - August 3, 2018, from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. with the option for early drop-off and late pick up for an additional cost. Price per camper is $99/week or $349 for the month, field trip cost is extra. Camp is limited to 100 campers per week.

We will always start our day off in one of our gyms with some table games and open crafts for the kids as they file in. Our counselors will greet every camper and make sure to be around in case you have any questions or concerns for that day’s events. Once all accounted for, our activities will begin!

Each week we will be partaking in a new adventure! Whether it be focusing on our favorite animals prepping for the Zoo, or pretending we are our favorite superhero or princess as we get ready to see a play at Playhouse Square, we will always have a week filled with activities leading up to our field trip.

All that said, we will never shy away from what makes our camp great….SPORTS! Each day we will teach the kids the basics of that week’s sport, including baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, dodgeball, soccer, bocce and more! Fun, energetic games and skill-building activities will teach our campers both skills and teamwork! Ample structured and monitored free play, craft time and board games will also be allotted each day to allow our campers the freedom to really focus on what they love most.

Our counselors will be fully trained in conflict mediation, risk management and will be CPR certified. We will try to never exceed an 8-1 ratio to ensure both a great experience and safe environment.

Our facility has the ability to host numerous games, sports and events on our 4 basketball courts, 6 indoor volleyball courts, 6 indoor bocce courts as well as, let the kids pretend they are on the beach during a rainy day with our four INDOOR SAND volleyball courts. We will have a fully functional concession stand packed with snacks and drinks for our campers.

Please contact us for more information: Dominik Severino at dseverino@neosportsplant.com or call 216-465-9942. Register online here.