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YMCA Youth Soccer League: Skills for the Field and Beyond

YMCA Youth Soccer League Builds Athletic, Social & Interpersonal Skills

By sponsored article March 11, 2015
The Y is the starting point for many kids to learn about becoming and staying active, as well as developing healthy habits they will carry with them throughout their lives. Lake County YMCA Youth Soccer League not only helps children gain confidence by learning to pass or kick, but it builds positive relationships that lead to good sportsmanship and teamwork.

“The coaches/parents and referees/teens that volunteer to lead these children on the field are incredible. Not only do they teach the basics of soccer, but also they inspire. We have seen shy children become confident and outgoing players,” said Kathy Steinmetz, program director at the Lake County Outdoor Y.

Children ages 4-5 can discover their personal best, have fun and be part of a team on the field during the preschool soccer league. As young athletes, our coaches encourage more skill development though games that teach techniques and build confidence. These new improvements in the preschool program also create more opportunity for game exposure. Soccer at the Y is family friendly because of flexible scheduling, all siblings practice on the same night, and all games and practices are on Saturdays at the Outdoor Y, 4540 River Road in Perry

Spring Youth Soccer League registration deadline is Saturday, March 14. Games will be held on Saturdays beginning April 18 thru May 30.

Program fees for Preschool ages 4-5 are $46 Y-members and $56 for program members. NO registration deadline for preschool league.

Program fees for Youth ages 6-12 are $56 Y-members and $66 for program members.

Program fees for Teens ages 13-18 are $56 Y-members and $66 for program members.

Register in person at the Lake County Outdoor Y or online: www.lakecountyymca.org.

We also encourage parents and teens to volunteer as coaches and referees respectively. Contact Kathy Steinmetz, Program Director at 440-259-2724 or ksteinmetz@lakecountyymca.org if interested in volunteering.